Why Photographers need to Blog!

Blogging, does anyone really like it?  I know that when it comes to blogging a session I drag my feet.  Blogging a session is not hard but there is something about it that keeps me from doing it.  In this weeks blog, we are going to learn why photographers need to blog.

Why Photographers need to Blog!

Blogging allows you to reach a broader audience.  Think about your blog as a photography resume.  Potential clients can use your blog to gauge you, your work and style.   Are you a studio photographer or outdoor natural light photographer? What is your editing style? All of these questions are about your business’s personal brand and what better way to showcase it then in a blog. 

You can use your blog to build your brand as an expert in your field. Create brand content that is relevant to your clients. Think about the questions your clients are asking you – what should I wear, what is the best location, how do I prepare for our session, etc… You can answer these questions with detailed blog posts. You are the expert and your clients want your professional input! 

Use your blog to convert leads into clients. When someone visits your website, they might have questions before reaching out to you or want to see more of your work. Blogging is a great way to showcase your work and also help answer questions your leads might have before booking. This can help them gain more interest in booking a session with you.

How to Blog?

Set aside time each week to blog. As small business owners, we play a lot of roles.  Keep the task in front of you by adding it to your workflow in Iris Works. Make it a habit, whether it’s a certain time of day or a certain time of week that you devote to blogging. Once you’re in the rhythm of blogging, you’ll be quickly reminded of the benefit to your business.

Go ahead and create a content calendar.  Determine how often you want to blog to set some soft deadlines for yourself. Plan out your weeks or months of content to get an idea of what blogs need to be written.  This will push you to keep up with your blogging.

When you come up with a blog idea – jot it down! Use a journal, Google Drive, or other ways to help you collect your blog ideas and resources. 

Reuse old content.  Go through your content and see if there are things you can update, repurpose, or change.  If you’ve been blogging for a while, you’ll likely find some good options that you can use for creating “new” content.

Not sure where to start with your blogs and SEO? Download our free, four page guide all about how to improve your SEO rankings. After implementing the strategies in our guide, you’ll begin to notice an improvement in your organic search and rankings.

Are you ready to start blogging?  Iris Works has a list of blog ideas to get you started.  Check out our list of blog ideas.

Ready to elevate your business to the next level?  Try Iris Works for free! 



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