30 Questions to Include in Your Wedding Photography Questionnaire

Why You Should Use a Questionnaire

Whether you’re a new photographer gaining experience in the wedding industry or a seasoned professional, there are a few practices you should enact in your business, regardless of your tenure. One of these practices is developing and sending a wedding photography questionnaire.

These simple questionnaires should be a vital part of your process, allowing you to gain a better understanding of the couple, the event, and your client’s expectations. By having your clients complete a wedding photography questionnaire, you can view their dream wedding through their eyes, learning what’s most important and what should top your must-photograph list.

Establish a Flow

Once you’ve established what the flow of the wedding will be like and what your clients prioritize, you can also use the wedding photography questionnaire to help you build a shooting schedule. Instead of operating reactively, the questionnaire can guide you in flowing seamlessly along with the wedding events as they unfold.

Sounds good? We think so, too. However, making a wedding photography questionnaire (or refreshing your existing one) can feel overwhelming at times. Are you asking the right questions? How do you ensure your clients complete the wedding photography questionnaire in a timely fashion and with accurate representations? What answers should alert you to potential red flags?

The top 10 questions you should be asking your wedding couples before the big day:

  1. Where are the bride and groom getting ready? (include addresses)
  2. Is hair and makeup team coming to you or are you going to a salon?
  3. What time is the bride’s hair and makeup scheduled to start?
  4. Do you plan on doing a first look?
  5. If so, do you know where would like that to happen?
  6. Do you have any spots in mind where you would like to do wedding party and bride and groom photos?
  7. How many people are in your wedding party?
  8. Do you have any “must-have” photographs? (Specific poses beyond what is typically captured on a wedding day. We do not guarantee any photographs, but we will make it a priority to capture the shots listed.)
  9. Where is your ceremony taking place? (include address)
  10. What time will your ceremony start time and how long do you expect it to last?

Want the other 20 crucial questions to ask your couples? These ten questions are a great starting point – but given how many details go into a wedding, you’ll need more than that. Keep reading (or just scroll on down) to get 20 additional crucial questions for your couples!

By using these questions, you can easily gather all of their information for the couple’s wedding day from start to finish. As is usually the case, the photographer plays a big role in putting together the timeline for the wedding day. Having this information in one place will make your life a whole lot easier!

Asking the right questions saves you time for you and your clients. It also demonstrates professionalism, commitment, and attention to detail. When you gather the right information, you also set expectations and inform the clients what they are getting. Some clients think you can read their minds and expect you to capture specific scenes you haven’t discussed. Planning a wedding is stressful, and it can be even more tedious with unforeseen events, wrong expectations, and last-minute changes.

As you want to prioritize your customers’ needs and make them feel extraordinary during their big day, gathering all important information is essential. It’s best that you know everything there is to learn to avoid surprises and awkward moments on the big day.

Besides knowing and understanding your clients’ preferences, wedding questionnaires can help you plan and prepare the shots, equipment needed, and other logistics to ensure a smooth and successful shoot.

By documenting the couple’s preferences and needs, you can refer to the questionnaire throughout the shoot to ensure you meet their expectations. You can go the extra mile knowing the couples’ exact needs and preferences. Wedding questionnaires allow you to capture the couples’ personalities, dynamics, and relationships. Personalizing their wedding photos and making them special enables you to provide a better experience for the couple and deliver more meaningful and intimate photos.




  1. Miranda Mirsec

    Thank you for always offering content to help photographers. I would however, think twice about this list. It’s fine for internal use but I WOULD never hand this to a client and ask them to fill it out. Reason: 1) Clients hate filling out forms and will never return it. In fact if I had someone hand me this list I would question my choice in photographer. 2) Many of these questions you should easily get answered without having to ask the question during a “get to know you” consultation. 3) Questions 4, 6, 8, 25 & 26 only open up a can of worms. and honestly would be expected of a novice photographer. A seasoned photographer knows how to guide a couple through the day of events and decides how to best captures those events without putting it on the couple to give them a list of guests, locations or poses. 4) Most of these questions would benefit from re-wording to acquire quality information back from the couple. Knowing how to engage with them in a way that produces an insight into who they are will in they end create a closer relationship AND provide you with a much richer level of responses/information. I”m so sorry for this long critique of the article…but it pains me to see photographers walk into situations that could have been avoided.

    • Megan - Iris Works

      Hi Miranda! We’ve found in the wedding industry, it’s common to send out a questionnaire similar to this before the wedding day. We stand by most of the questions, however we did rephrase #25 to be any additional family groupings outside of a standard immediate family list. Even if information was covered during initial consults, it’s nice to know if they’ve made any changes and have a reference to go back to later. We love finding ways to streamline your business and if you are shooting 20+ weddings a year, sending out a questionnaire to get this info before consults is a great way to do that. As always, we appreciate hearing feedback!

      • Jeanette

        I would agree with Megan, Once you’re shooting 20-40 weddings a year, it is SO helpful to pull out a piece of paper or pull up an email with all these details in writing. Even though we go over most of this stuff along the client journey, it’s hard to keep each client straight. Using these questions helps us to be on top of things!

    • Maurice Smith

      Do you have information available that might alternatively help build a better relationship with the client?

  2. Onya Jones

    I like the questionnaire although I will maybe ask half or even a fourth of these questions. I actually have a questionnaire that I use for general photo shoots but this one gives me great ideas for a separate wedding questionnaire. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wedding Palace

    Wow! That was worth a read. Thank you much for sharing!

  4. Linda

    This is great, thank you for sharing. <3

  5. Josh Fernandez

    I think this is a solid set of questions, Megan. Thanks for sharing.
    Besides being organized, a questionnaire helps the whole wedding team if used properly.

    By sliding in a caveat that I, as the photographer, would happily fill-out any details I already have (names of clients, phone numbers, dates, etc.). This lessens the clients’ task and would add a proof of value I have for my clients. A photographer is usually within the first 3 wedding vendors to be hired. The data collected may be used to help wedding planners put together their timeline and build relationships with fellow-vendors. It’s almost certain they don’t have anything yet as they’re almost always the first ones to be hired. I usually ask the couple to refer anyone who needs the same set of info to me so I could share what I have. This usually leads to better recall value between my co-vendors.

    Of course, this is different for everyone but younger couples recently have a tendency to favor efficiency over warm and fuzzy.

  6. David

    Thank you for sharing.

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    Thanks for sharing. This is really going to help me.

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  9. Lance Jekel

    Really informative and helpful tips!Thanks For Sharing and Keep Up the Good Work.

  10. visual stock

    Wow! That was worth a read. Thanks for sharing this site

  11. trendecom

    thanks for sharing such a great post for Wedding Photography Questionnaire.

  12. Bob Turnbul

    Such a beautiful post it is. wish I could see this post before my wedding. However, this post was very much informative. Thanks for sharing such content.

  13. Ariful I Evan

    Thank you! Those 15 Wedding Questions helped me so much 🙂

  14. Abith

    Great post to help us with Wedding Questions!

  15. Oliva Shawon

    These are really some nice advises. I have an online business and these questionnaire should help me in various ways. However, really thank you for your creative and hard work and make some of our life easier.

    • Yousuf Hossain

      very informative information for Wedding Photography Questionnaire.Thank you much for sharing!

  16. Mim Obaidullah

    Wow! That was worth a read. Thank you much for sharing!

  17. Annette

    As a novice wedding photographer, I appreciate these and it is helpful to have a resource. I know I will be nervous too on this day, and forgetting something that is important to them is worse to me, then having them complete a few questions. Thank you again!


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