Smart Check: 5 Ways to Back Up Your Images

The biggest fear of any photographer in today’s digital world – losing digital files. Everyone knows someone whose hard drive has crashed, and even scarier than that – we all know someone who didn’t back up their computer. At all.

You’re probably thinking, “That won’t happen to me” – until it does. Years of hard work can be lost in an instant – and can be very expensive to try and retrieve.   Save yourself from a future nightmare by using one or more of these awesome backup options.

 mini session photography

  1. External Hard Drives: You can buy external hard drives almost anywhere nowadays; and many you can find relatively cheap. Use an automated program, like Time Machine (Mac), to auto-backup your files to your external hard drive. (Pictured: G-DRIVE)
  2. BackBlaze: A personal favorite, this online program automatically backs up your entire computer for you. For a small monthly fee, you can rest assured your files are safe – just in case.
  3. DropBox: The original backup option for files, can also be used for image backup.
  4. Iris Gallery: Not necessarily meant for a back up, but for sharing of digital images with your clients, the Iris Gallery can actually serve as a backup of your backups. If your hard drive, external drive and cloud service backup all would fail – Iris Gallery can be your fall-back option.
  5. CDs:  Compact Discs are the old-school way of backing up your work.  It’s seems almost archaic now, but it’s another way to back up your images. We recommend copying them to CDs or DVDs and then store them in another physical location.



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