The High-Impact Ways You Can Outsource

outsource, photography, business, studio management, editing

When we first get started in business, usually we manage everything ourselves. There aren’t enough extra funds yet to hire someone and we can’t fathom anyone would be able to do our tasks better job than us. However as our businesses continue to grow, our time quickly becomes more limited and precious as the amount of tasks and clients we are handling grows. But don’t worry! There’s one way you can gain back some of your life, your sanity, and ideally a good chunk of your time.


By finding ways to outsource in our business and personal lives, you are freeing up time to handle other tasks. Here are three tasks you can outsource to get your time back.


This is one of the biggest tasks you can outsource and it’s also one of the hardest for most photographers to let go control of. But editing can take up SO much of your time, especially if you’re a wedding photographer. However if you think of how long it takes you to edit, what else could you be doing with that time? How many additional shoots, emails, blog posts, or social media could you get squared away if you had that time freed up?

A few options to check out for editing outsourcing are Photographer’s EditRaw Digital Film Lab, or The Image Salon

Studio Management

We’re a little biased in this area, but having a system like Iris Works put in place to manage clients will be a HUGE time saver for you business. Rather than spending time trying to personalize and rewrite those standard emails that you send out to every client, creating email templates that will be automatically sent out to all of your clients at times you specify will save you a lot of inbox time. Not only that, but you can also get questionnaires, contracts, and any of your pdfs automated as well. You’ll be saving time, be less worried about forgetting a task, and your clients will love the professionalism that a system like Iris provides.

Household Tasks

Balance between personal life and business can be hard. As a female business owner, a lot of times we’re also in charge of the house, kids, and a million other tasks throughout the day. Outsourcing things like cleaning, grocery shopping (hello ClickList!), cooking, lawn maintenance, or child care a couple days a week be a huge help with freeing up time and finding balance in your everyday.

Outsourcing isn’t just about getting time back in your business, but also in your personal life! You’ll be able to do more things in both areas such as being able to go on vacation, creating new marketing campaigns, enjoying hobbies, and exceeding client expectations with your excellent service.

Ready to outsource some business tasks? Try Iris today!





  1. Lisa

    These job ideas are so good! Can learn each one from home, which is the best part.

  2. Beverly

    This is such a great reminder of how powerful outsourcing can be for both business and personal life! I love the idea of freeing up time to focus on more creative or important tasks by letting go of editing or studio management. It’s definitely hard to delegate at first, but the benefits in terms of time and sanity are undeniable. The household task outsourcing tip is a game changer too—work-life balance is so important. Thanks for sharing these practical, high-impact ways to streamline!


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