Top 5 Benefits of Online Invoicing for Photographers

Top 5 Benefits of Online Invoicing for Photographers

Whether you are a full or part time photographer, getting paid is important. When I first started shooting, I remember taking checks and cash for payments. I also remember just how much of a hassle it was to keep track of it after or making trips to the bank to...
Double Your Revenue through Prints, Even During COVID

Double Your Revenue through Prints, Even During COVID

Chris Scott, former Nashville photographer and founder of the Printmaker System sat down with us and talked about how to double your revenue as a photographer, even during the COVID pandemic. With so many COVID restrictions in place and the future of the economy...
How to stay ahead of tough client questions.

How to stay ahead of tough client questions.

Dealing with a frustrated client makes a business owner more anxious. Stay ahead of tough client questions like, “How much will this cost me?”. This will position you as the expert and ensure that your clients have an amazing experience. Here are three top questions...