Shootproof + Iris

Together at last! We’re excited to announce the integration of ShootProof with Iris Works! So what does this mean? When you book a session for a client through Iris, we will automatically create a gallery within Shootproof with all of your client’s...
5 Tips for Staying Organized this Year

5 Tips for Staying Organized this Year

There’s nothing like getting the year off on the right foot, yes? If you’re wanting to get your business a little more organized this year, here are five things you can do to get started! Schedule Out Your Social Media – Use an app like Hootsuite to...
How to Stay Productive in a World Full of Distractions

How to Stay Productive in a World Full of Distractions

It’s 9 a.m. and you sit down at your desk, editing a dozen or so photos taken for a client the day before. You are feeling good. You are ready to take on the day, the motivation of your first cup of coffee pumping through your veins. You’re in a good flow for about 15...
Don't Feel Guilty Charging What You're Worth

Don't Feel Guilty Charging What You're Worth

“I feel awkward asking for money.” Have you ever had this thought? Or been in the situation where you are trying to find a nice way to ask for the check at a session because you haven’t been paid yet? Pricing is one of the biggest business struggles...
3 Time-Saving Blogging Tips for Photographers

3 Time-Saving Blogging Tips for Photographers

Time consuming. Incredibly time consuming. That’s what most photographers think of when they hear the word ‘blogging’. Most everything we do takes us quite a bit of time. Culling images. Editing images. Social media outreach. Client communications....
It's Time to Raise Your Prices

It's Time to Raise Your Prices

It’s a scary phrase right? Choosing to raise your prices is always a big decision for a business and something photographers struggle with. So how do you know if you’re ready? Here are a few signs that it’s time to to pull out that pricing sheet to...