Backlighting is typically used in the industry to describe a photo where your subject has the sun lighting them from behind. The photographer shoots into the sun, capturing the light streaming in around their subject which adds a hazier look to their images. How much...
Have you ever had images come out to bright or too dark? You might need to pay more attention to your metering and the mode that you are using. So what does metering do for you? It will measure the amount of bright and dark tones in your image and help you get the...
Macro photography is referred to when you photograph small subjects or details and to magnify them and make them have a larger than life feel. You see this type of photography when capturing wedding rings, newborns details (nose, toes, etc), and in nature photography....
Getting your exposure as best you can in camera is something that you should make as your goal every time you shoot. By doing this, you’re giving yourself more flexibility with editing and will have a more consistent look overall. One of the best ways to achieve...
When it comes to shooting in available light, finding natural reflectors can be a great way to fill and even the light on your subject. What is a natural reflector? This is any object, building, etc that you can find and use to bounce light back onto your subject....
Autofocus Modes: And How They Affect the Sharpness of Your Photos When it comes to photography, there’s no worse feeling than going back through your images and realizing that images you though were sharp are slightly out of focus. There are many factors that...
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