10 Tips on Finding the Perfect Location for Your Photoshoot

10 Tips on Finding the Perfect Location for Your Photoshoot

Finding the perfect location for a photoshoot can significantly impact the outcome of your images. Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting out, selecting the right setting is essential to creating the mood and style that your clients envision. The location you choose can tell a story, evoke emotions, and complement your subject in ways that a studio setting might not. Here are ten tips to guide you in finding that ideal spot for your next photoshoot.

1. Understand the Client’s Vision

Before you even begin scouting for locations, it’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with your client about their vision for the photoshoot. Are they dreaming of a romantic beach setting, an urban downtown vibe, or a serene natural landscape? Do they want something traditional or perhaps a location that’s a bit more offbeat and adventurous? The better you understand their desires and expectations, the easier it will be to narrow down the options to a location that perfectly aligns with their vision. This step not only ensures client satisfaction but also makes your job smoother by eliminating unsuitable options early in the process.

2. Consider the Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important elements in photography, and it can dramatically change the look and feel of your photos. When choosing a location, pay close attention to how natural light interacts with the environment at different times of the day. An open field might provide soft, even lighting throughout the day, while a forested area could offer dappled light that creates interesting patterns and depth. If you’re shooting during the golden hour, when the sun is low in the sky, make sure your location has unobstructed views to take full advantage of this magical light. Understanding how light works in your chosen location will help you create stunning images with minimal effort.

3. Scout Locations Ahead of Time

Scouting locations in advance is a vital step in your planning process. By visiting potential spots before the actual shoot, you can assess various factors such as lighting conditions, available backdrops, and the overall atmosphere. Take note of how the location changes at different times of the day, and consider how this might affect your shoot. For instance, a location that looks great in the morning might be too harshly lit in the afternoon. Additionally, scouting allows you to plan your shoot more efficiently, ensuring that you make the most of your time with the client. It also gives you the chance to discover unique angles or hidden gems within a location that you might have missed otherwise.

4. Check for Permits

It’s important to remember that some locations, especially popular public spots or private properties, may require a permit for professional photography. Failing to obtain the necessary permissions can lead to disruptions, fines, or even having your shoot shut down. To avoid these issues, always research the requirements for your chosen location well in advance. Contact local authorities or property owners to inquire about permits, fees, and any restrictions that may apply. Having the proper permits in hand not only ensures a smooth shoot but also shows your professionalism and respect for the location.

5. Think About Accessibility

When selecting a location, consider how easy it is for everyone involved to access the site. Is the location close to parking or public transportation? Are there any physical challenges, such as steep hikes, uneven terrain, or long walks, that could pose a problem for your clients, especially if they are elderly, have young children, or have mobility issues? Also, consider the logistics of bringing equipment to the site. Locations that are difficult to access might not be practical for sessions requiring a lot of gear or multiple outfit changes. Choosing a location that is both beautiful and accessible ensures that the shoot is enjoyable for everyone involved.

6. Evaluate the Background

The background of your photos can make or break the final image. Even the most stunning location can be ruined by a cluttered or distracting background that draws attention away from your subject. When scouting locations, look for clean, simple backgrounds that enhance rather than compete with the main focus of your photo. Pay close attention to details like power lines, trash cans, or busy roads that might be visible in the frame. Additionally, consider how the background will look with the colors and styles your clients will be wearing. A harmonious background can help your subjects stand out, creating a more polished and professional image.

7. Consider the Time of Year

The time of year plays a significant role in how a location looks and feels. A location that’s lush and green in the summer may be covered in snow or barren in the winter, completely altering its appearance. Similarly, a spot that’s perfect for spring blossoms might be dry and unappealing in the fall. When selecting a location, think about how the season will affect the landscape, colors, and overall atmosphere. Also, consider the comfort of your clients—shooting in extreme heat, cold, or unpredictable weather conditions might not only be uncomfortable but also limit the time you have to work with them. Planning for the season ensures that your location will be at its best for your photoshoot.

8. Incorporate Personal Significance

If your clients have a location that holds personal significance, such as the place where they got engaged, their favorite park, or a spot they frequent as a family, consider incorporating it into the shoot. Locations with personal meaning add an emotional layer to the photos, making them more than just beautiful images—they become cherished memories. Discussing this option with your clients can also help them feel more connected to the session, resulting in more genuine expressions and interactions. Plus, a location that means something to your clients can make the final images even more special and unique.

9. Plan for Weather Contingencies

Weather is one of the few variables you can’t control, but you can plan for it. Always have a backup plan in case of unexpected weather changes. Whether it’s a sudden rainstorm, an unexpected cold front, or extreme heat, being prepared ensures that the shoot can go on smoothly. Consider alternative indoor locations or have a reschedule date in mind just in case. Additionally, inform your clients ahead of time about possible weather-related adjustments, so they know what to expect. Having a contingency plan not only saves the day but also demonstrates your professionalism and preparedness.

10. Stay Flexible

While planning is crucial, sometimes the best moments happen when you least expect them. Stay open to spontaneity and be ready to adapt if a new location idea comes up on the day of the shoot or if you stumble upon a perfect spot by chance. Flexibility can lead to unexpected creative opportunities and result in images that are truly unique. If something isn’t working as planned, don’t be afraid to change course. Your ability to think on your feet and embrace the unexpected can turn a good shoot into a great one.


Selecting the perfect location for a photoshoot requires a combination of careful planning, creativity, and flexibility. By following these ten tips, you can ensure that each session is set in a location that not only meets your clients’ needs but also enhances the beauty and emotion of your photography. With the perfect location for a photoshoot, your photos will stand out, creating lasting memories for your clients and elevating your portfolio to new heights.

Managing your favorite locations is also easier than ever with Iris Works. You can store, organize, and quickly access all your preferred spots directly within the platform, ensuring you always have the perfect backdrop ready for your next shoot.

Ready to elevate your photography with the perfect location for a photoshoot? Sign up for a free trial of Iris Works to streamline your client management, organize your locations, and more—so you can focus on capturing stunning images in the perfect setting!

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