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There are a lot of moving parts to running your own photography business. It can get overwhelming fast if you don’t have a good system in place and then you find yourself falling behind on tasks. Being a photographer isn’t all about taking good photos – you have to learn how to run your business efficiently too. Sometimes that piece is the hardest thing to figure out for new photographers (been there myself!) If you’re wanting to get your business a little more organized this year, we have tips to get you well on your way.
Struggling to keep up with your social media posts? It’s definitely a daunting task to remember to post often and keep up with this task! Use an app like Later to schedule your social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! You can set the time and day, and it will automatically push it out for you.
All of those receipts can pile up and get lost easily throughout the year. Keep track of these and having them handy when it comes to filing your taxes at the end of the year can be a challenge. We’re big fans of TurboScan for quickly saving all of your receipts.
This is a big one for me! Having clutter around my workspace makes it hard to focus on tasks and gets overwhelming to look at. It might be time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and declutter your work space. We recommend reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up to get a start on tidying things up!
Devise a well-structured way of labeling folders for your images. Whether that's year-session type-client name or year-date-client name. Have a way to always label your folders and ALWAYS back them up.
With Iris, you can keep track of when things are due for your clients, and have automated emails sent out to your clients for you. No more session reminders, emailing Welcome PDFs, or remembering if a client has paid or not. By getting the business portion of your life organized and streamlined, you’ll have more time to do what you love.