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Workflows for photographers are no doubt a game changer for your business. Stop spending so much time at the computer sending out emails manually to all of your clients and spend more time to focus on other important tasks. Our workflows allow Iris to do the work for you. Send emails, contracts, invoices, questionnaires all without lifting a finger.
Our workflows will do all of the heavy for you and impress your clients from the very start. Not only are they intuitive and simple to set up, but you can use your workflows to send and receive your contracts and invoices and create the perfect communication plan for each type of client that you service.
New to workflows and not sure where to start? Looking to change up your existing workflows? We’ve got you covered there too! Iris now offers you top-to-bottom workflows from some of the industry’s best-known photographers. It’s time to take your family portrait, senior, wedding, and newborn workflow games to the next level by leveraging the experience of some of Iris’ most influential users. These workflow offerings are EXCLUSIVE to Iris subscribers.
Head over to our Marketplace and choose from Family, Newborn, Senior, Wedding, or Mini Session workflows. Workflows include workflow steps, email templates, and questionnaires. The Mini Session workflow also includes a mini session contract and customizable session prep guide.
Once you’ve purchased your favorite workflow(s), we will add them to your account within 1-2 business days. You’ll find your workflows by going to My Settings > Studio > Workflows. Emails can be found in your Email Templates, and questionnaires or contract will be found in Documents. If you purchased the Mini Session Workflow, you’ll receive the customizable session prep guide file in an email with your receipt.
Once your workflows and templates are loaded into your account, you can customize them to your preferences! Change any of the wording in the email templates and questionnaires to fit your style and branding.
What workflows would you like to see added to our Marketplace? Tell us in the comments!