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“Comparison is the theif of joy” – Theodore Roosevelt. If that isn’t the most accurate statement, I don’t know what is. Too many times, I hear of photographers who fall into a creative funk because they get caught up in comparing themselves to other photographers in the industry. “How does she have so many clients? Her work isn’t even that great.” “I will never be as good as [Name]… I should just give up now.” It’s damaging to your business and your creative spirit and can turn you into a bitter photographer. So how to we pull ourselves out of it? Here are a few tips that helped me when I was in a negative place.
When we put the focus on ourselves, and quit looking to our neighbor, you’ll begin to think more positively about yourself and your business. And if you ever see another person struggling in a group, be that person of encouragement and continue to help build the community near you.
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