6 Tips to Make Blogging Easier

Oh, the ever-daunting task of BLOGGING. Of course, it’s critical. After all, it’s how photographers showcase their work. The trick is to figure out how to make it a little less painful. Here are 6 tips to make blogging less painful: 

Schedule time

As small business owners, we have 394 balls in the air at all times. So, if something needs to get done, we are more than likely going to have to schedule time to do it. Keep the task in front of you by adding it to your workflow in Iris Works. Make it a habit, whether it’s a certain time of day or a certain time of week that you devote to blogging. Once you’re in the rhythm of blogging, you’ll be quickly reminded of the benefit to your business.

Create a schedule and content calendar

Determine how often you want to blog to set some soft deadlines for yourself. Plan out your weeks or months of content to get an idea of what blogs need to be written, when to write, and push yourself to get those blogs out.

Keep a running list of blog ideas

Use a journal, Google Drive, or other ways to help you collect your blog ideas and resources. Download our Big List of Blog Topics to get a head start.

Repurpose content

Sift through your content and see if there are things you can update, repurpose, or change it up a little. If you’ve been blogging for a while, you’ll likely find some good options that you can use for creating “new” content. 

Find a software solution

There are plenty of software platforms out there, and your blogging life will vastly improve once you’ve started to use one. We are big fans of BlogStomp and know that using their software will take hours off of your blogging process. You’ll be up and running in no time AND they offer a free trial!

Love it? Tag it

When you have an “OMG, I love that image” moment while you’re editing late at night, tag the image in Lightroom. We suggest making it a five-star image right then and there and you can be sure not to forget it when it comes time to blog. Whatever system works for you, commit to it and make it happen.

You’re the experts and we’d love to hear what blogging tips work for you! Comment below to tell us ways that you’ve found to make blogging easier.

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